Brevity may be the soul of wit, but it is the wit that is the soul of brevity. If our software were not loquacious, it will have no meaning in our daily life. Everything we collectively do depends on software. Imagine the world would not be as great as it is today if there is no software. Software to communicate, software for a transaction, software to commute, software to transmit and more. So nevertheless we have accepted this, the need is to get the right software, and it doesn’t come naturally.
This post is about cloud element, which is an API integration platform and developer have figured out how to publish API really well. Millions of APIs has been published, but they have different data models and structure, and hence don’t work together. So companies help developers to unify those data models and structures and enable API to work together.
The API industry is changing fast and we have seen recently that RedHat acquired 3scale, a leading provider of API management. Companies of all types are now publishing API, and as that happen the growth is astronomical in the API space. Technology market has matured, applications matured, and the big companies like; Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, RedHats are looking to see how they can incorporate API management capability into their platforms and product as well.
Your customer wants your App to work with the rapidly accelerating universe of cloud services. The real power comes when application cooperates and share data with each other, but each one has their own unique KPIs, technologies, and integration challenges. Developers can’t keep up with building this one by one. Integrating fast is the only challenge as API change all the time creating ongoing maintenance distraction. Collaborative apps need to connect to multiple services in the same category or across multiple categories. The cloud element, one to many approaches allow developers to integrate with one API and connect to full category or hub of popular cloud services. For example let’s say your App need to connect to cloud document and storage services like ‘OneDrive, Dropbox, box, Google Drive, Amazon web service, SharePoint, EVERNOTE etc, we call this ‘elements’. When you integrate once to the document hub through uniform API, then you are fully integrated with all the services (elements).
So how it works?
No matter what your integrating tool is all you need to know is REST. Cloud element has normalized how you connect using a simple consistent set of APIs. You can start integrating through element managers or directly through APIs, API companies will simplify authentication by making it consistent across all cloud services, and you can map and transform data including custom objects within or across categories of services. Cloud element can be embedded into your app so your customer will never even know where they are. Begin your journey to making your App cooperative by trying cloud elements today.
Vafion is an API expert we have a focus and we’ve been doing this integration of disparate business applications. In Vafion we have a more standardized way to approaching some of our client solutions, and we have the expertise to provide application hubs and elements that address some of the major players. That is the reason why we suggest cloud elements. There is a general move for API platform, and everyone is looking for ways to integrate application and get access to applications. There are many companies across the US that are using custom application, and we think many of those would like to be moving to a new stack/API platform. Some of them can’t because they have invested too much on old application, so we also help in the space they are using those existing legacy application and helping them to bridge to new stack and use cloud element platform.
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